A new book arrives from the Czech Republic, and usefully provides information about social work education in both the Czech and Slovak Republics.
But the major contribution is an extended paper about postmodernity and social work by the respected Czech academic, Libor Musil. This addresses the concern shared by scoial workers across the world that their profession is not held in the high level of respect that they might wish. Why is this? He argues that the traditional view in which professions attain respect for their valued contribution to society needs to be replaced by our understanding that the legitimacy of our role (and indeed that of all professions) needs to be constantly renegotiated in response to changing social conditions.
The whole publication is in English.
Citation: MATULAYOVÁ, Tatiana a Libor MUSIL. Social Work, Education and Postmodernity. Theory and Studies in Selected Czech, Slovak and Polish Issues. first. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, 2013. 145 s. 55-100-13. ISBN 978-80-7494-032-3.
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