A handsome new Spanish social work journal: Azarbe: Revista
Internacional de Trabajo Social y Bienestar, published by the Faculty of Social
Work at the University of Murcia arrives on my desk. Handsome even if the logo is yet another example of loving hands representing social work. Can't artists think of another metaphor?
It’s in Spanish of course,
but there are English, or sometimes French, abstracts, and reading them raised
some broader issues in my mind, as I interpret a sometimes brief account of
what is probably a complex article into issues that I think about in my own
national context. So in a series of posts on different topics this week, I have offered
some thoughts about a range of issues that came up for me as I read through the
journal abstracts. I haven’t covered everything.
You can download pdfs of the papers if you speak Spanish or just want to read
the abstracts.
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