Thursday 8 November 2012

We need a new economics that does not blame the poor, 'anticrisis' jokes are not enough

Another post with my thoughts on issues raised by the new Spanish social work journal, Azarbe.

Economic crisis always has social impacts, in which economics blames the poor and individual failure rather than raising questions about the social impacts of economics. I recently took part in a Facebook debate about this issue, raised by a colleague in Portugal, also facing social effects of an economic crisis that has social consequences.  

One article has data on the effects of the Spanish economic crisis in family poverty. But should we really see this as a Spanish problem, or as a European responsibility, since the crisis is European? Another article comments on the need to develop a community social work, since the ‘economic crisis’ encourages a neo-Darwinism individualism in policy. We ned a new economics that does not lay the blame and the consequences of economic change on our poor and marginalised communities.

Visiting Spain recently...
I saw for sale labelled 'Anticrisis'... boxes picturing Euros...

...and tissues in Euro form, too.

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